Rae Crowther The Rae Hammer TRH-1
A 178 lb steel cube that can improve ground-based strength and also provides a platform for many auxiliary exercises! Push the Rae Hammer like a sled to improve leg drive and core strength. Leverage the Rae Hammer to improve hand placement, upper body strength, and hip explosion. The interior bars of the sled is set 10” apart for tight hand placement. The inside bars are made from 2” diameter steel tubing, and the exterior bars are made from 3” diameter steel tubing. Flip the Rae Hammer like a tractor tire to improve entire body strength from hand grip to ankle flexion. Use with 2 players simultaneously to work double team blocks or simply team drive challenges. Have players face each other and drive the other off the ball in a competition. Attach bands or stretch cords to the frame and work multiple resistance movements, using the sled as a heavy anchor point. Attach sling balls and work tackling from every direction. Use with Battling Ropes as an anchor or pulling point. And that is only a few of the drills and exercises available. Powder-coated matte crinkle black. Warranty 5 years.