The Minimax T 124 is a woodturning lathe for D.I.Y woodworkers and craftsmen workshops. This machine is fast, easy to use, reliable, and capable of a variety of woodworking projects.
The Minimax T 124 copier enables copying work at diameters greater or smaller than the template pattern. The mobile steady rest with pre-cutting tool guarantees a perfect finish. The fixed steady rest reduces vibration when turning long, thin components. The "C" shape enables turning with hand tools.
Power must be adequate to the size of the piece being machined - this is why the T 124 has a power of 1.8kW and 4 speeds (680 / 1,200 / 2,200 / 3,000 RPM) so they can machine both small and large pieces. The 300 mm face plate is ideal for large bowls. The 40 mm cup center and 70 mm screw center are made from a single piece of stainless steel - these are necessary for turning small cups and bowls.